Friday, June 27, 2014

Indigo Dreamer Designs invited to sell items at Thread in Denver!

Thread of Denver has invited me to sell my shop items in their lovely boutique! So excited.. here's how it all went down!..
Creating my own 'shop ready' display cards!.. had a lot of fun making these! Sending pictures to my sister to get her opinion ;)... now that the cards are finished, it's time to fill them with product!
Shown here in Kraft and galaxy!
Cards are made out of Kraft cardstock with Indigo Dreamer logo printed on sheet, sheet is then cut into sections then stamped with a cute flower, corners are cut with corner punch (on sale!) to create a cool looking pattern and finished with a teeny tiny jewel! Loved making these!! So easy and super cheap!

Aftermath! 'Metal Sampler Packs' made specifically for Thread! Each pack includes 3 different metals so you can pick the best for you! Each pack includes Sterling, Niobium and Titanium!
New earring styles made just for Thread!.. apparently I was really diggin' the blue beads this time around ;)
Each card had a description of the metal used and if it is safe for sensitive ears!

Buddha earrings with crystal green stones!

Crystal cluster necklace.. made two but had to keep one and now I wear it allll the time :)

Handmade necklaces and earring sets!

Lovely Crystal rings attached to handmade cards with indigo colored strings!

More Crystal rings.. love these!

After countless hours.. approximately 2 full non-stop days of jewelry making(!).. I finally have enough product to fill my lovely handmade cards! Pictured: using new Dremel to sand and smooth earring ends.. love this thing!

Dremel! Had to make another appearance of this lovely, lovely tool. Officially cannot live without it. Oh and if you get one, get it with the flex shaft! It's so much easier to handle for longer periods of time and super comfortable to hold! This is the one we got: Dremel 4000 Amazon

Pricing Crystal rings

Kitchen table work station.. this station moves periodically :)

Adding finishing touches and pricing Titanium studs!

Sorted by style and price and ready to bring to Thread!

On my way to present the finished product... and being weird :B.. oh and our adorable pup Chewie (short for Chewbacca) went too. He's so cute :)
Made a couple orders during the process.. used the new cards!!

Also ran out of purple stuffing so I tried beige.. I think I like it :)

The sets chosen by the shop owner.. now they just need to sell! Wish me luck :)

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